Siirt Bus Ticket



Siirt bus ticket can be bought to set off to Southeast Anatolian cities. Siirt consists of 7 districts and 12 towns. The city, which is among the first lands where Turks settled in Anatolia, has a very rich history. There is a work called Siirt Chronicle written by the Siirt Chaldean Church Archbishop Adday Şer. The religious understanding of the period, the way of life and its relations with the surrounding states are included in the book. Thanks to the book, very deep information about Siirt has been obtained.

Clock Tower

Located opposite the Siirt Provincial Mansion, the Clock Tower was completed between 1974 and 1975. Two different colored cut stones were used in the construction of the Clock Tower. The tower has 6 floors in total, with one window on each face of the first five floors. On the last floor, there are clocks. Although the construction of the castle, which is visited today, was finished in 1975, the actual tower was completed by Alaaddin Pasha in 1905. Although the exact time is not known, the tower was demolished and a new one was built in its place in 1974. The cone at the top of the collapsed tower was added to the new tower.

Siirt Grand Mosque

The Great Mosque, known as the Tiled Minaret in Siirt, is a building belonging to the Seljuk period. There is no information about exactly when and by whom the mosque was built. The mosque, which was destroyed over time, was repaired in 1129 by Mugizüddin Mahmut. The famous tiled minaret of the mosque was built by Mugizüddin Mahmut. The repair of the mosque, the fact that it was made by the Seljuk Sultan and the lines in its architecture reflect the period, symbolizing that the mosque was built during the Great Seljuks period. El Mücahit İshak, who was among the Seljuk Atabeys, the ruler of Cizre, had the mosque repaired and added to in 1260. The pulpit inside the mosque was sent to the museum for the Ankara Etmography exhibition in 1933. Ulu Mosque, which is among the places to visit in Siirt, is one of the historical heritages of the region with its different features.

Veysel Karani Tomb

It is one of the important shrines in the city. Uveys bin Amir Karni was born in Yemen in 550. During the Battle of Siffin, which took place around the Euphrates River, Hz. Veysel Karani, who was on Ali's side, died during the war. Üveys bin Amir Karni, who lost his life, was buried in Raqqa province in Syria. Cas mortar, which is famous in the region, was used in the construction of the tomb. The tomb is covered with a dome. After the mausoleum was destroyed, it was rebuilt in 1967. The tomb, which was restored by the governorship, opened its doors to visitors in a more modern way. Although it does not bear the architectural lines of the period, it is one of the important tombs due to the restoration work.

Botan Caves

They are caves located on a high hill on the opposite side of the Botan Stream. It is the most famous one among the known caves in Siirt. Boan Stream is one of the most important branches of the Tigris River, and there are many different structures in the Botan Valley, which is formed on the road where the stream flows. Church ruins, caves and mounds have survived to this day. The caves, which are thought to have been used for accommodation in the past, were carved into the geologically common limestones in the region. Since the limestone structure is suitable for melting, various caves have been formed as a result of the erosion of the water.

Sağlarca Spa

Sağlarca Hot Spring is also known as Billoris Hot Spring. The hot spring waters coming out of the cave located on one side of the stream flowing from the Botan Valley have a very rich mineral content. The hot spring water has a temperature of about 36 degrees. Water containing calcium, sulfate, sodium and chloride is believed to be healing. Hot spring water comes from only one source. After the hot spring water comes out of the spring, it mixes with the Botan Stream. It is thought to be a good water for various diseases such as joint and muscle ailments, skin diseases and rheumatism. The fact that it is a natural spring water that is good for diseases and ailments attracts more attention of visitors. Transportation can be provided via Siirt Bus Terminal for a naturally formed spring and hot spring water.

Kormas Castle

It is thought that Kormas Castle, located in the Şirvan district of Siirt, was built by the Byzantines. The castle, which has a history of about a thousand years, has survived as a medieval castle. Located on a high hill of the region, the castle was used by different civilizations. The ruins of the castle, which was used by the Byzantines, Seljuks and Ottomans, can be seen. Kormas Castle is also called İnce Kaya Castle because it is located in İnce Kaya village. The castle, which has a bath, cellar, water cistern, church and 360 rooms, has been in ruins over time. Since it was thought that there was a treasure in the castle built by the Byzantines, the castle was badly damaged by treasure hunters.

Erzen Ruins

Erzen Ruins, one of the first settlements in Siirt, is the largest settlement in the region. As a result of the studies carried out in the region, Hasankeyf and Diyarbakır was found to be larger than akır. Erzen was used as a center by the Dilmaçoğulları Principality. After the Battle of Manzikert, the Seljuks moved to Anatolia and settled here for the first time. Throughout history, different cities have been built on the city of Erzen. Although some of the artifacts and ruins found as a result of archaeological studies have been unearthed, most of them are under the ground. Since the local people live in the region, many sites remained in private property. After buying a Siirt bus ticket, you should be informed about the places to be seen in the region. Erzen Ruins is among the historical places to be seen.

Ismail Fakirullah Tomb

The tomb, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List, was built by a student of İsmail Fakirullah. İbrahim Hakkı had the tomb built in the 18th century. Located in the district of Tillo, the mausoleum had a special plan when it was first built. Every year on September 23 and March 21, the sun strikes the ballot boxes for about 5 minutes after sunrise. After the restoration works carried out in the tomb in 1960, this feature disappeared. The plan, which has become the most important feature of the tomb, was regained with the restoration work carried out in 2011. The tomb, which has a height of ten meters, is octagonal and was made of stones without mortar. There is also a miniature model of İsmail Fakirullah Tomb in the model exhibition in Istanbul. It is an important structure for science as well as astronomically as it is important in terms of architecture. It is one of the locations that should be added to the list of places to visit in Siirt.

Derzin Castle

Located in the Balkan district, the castle is also known as Adakale. Although it is not known when Derzin Castle was built, it is estimated that it was built during the Byzantine Period. He creates the idea that his architectural style is a Byzantine work. None of the inscriptions of the castle or the sources written about it have survived. Derzin Castle, built with rubble stone and mortar, is located on a hill. Although the watchtowers have survived to the present day, most of the castle has been badly damaged. Due to the fact that the castle is located on the hill, it offers a unique view to the visitors.

Republic Mosque

The mosque, known as Hıdrü'l Ahdar Mosque, was built in the 12th century. The building, which is the oldest mosque in Siirt, was built with cut stone. Although there was only one dome in the original of the mosque, a part with two domes was added over time. The Suk'ul Ayn Fountain, which was built during the Seljuk Period, is located on the side of the mosque. After the Siirt Bus Station, there are many places to see in the city. Setting up a route before arriving in the city can be quite helpful.

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