
Places to Visit in Tire

June 21, 2024
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Tire is a popular district of Izmir province, which is located in the Aegean Region of Turkey and has great importance in terms of tourism. There are various alternatives for transportation to Tire district, which is located approximately 80 kilometers from Izmir city center. You can easily reach this district with a Tire bus ticket or plane ticket and have a wonderful holiday. While the district was a town under the Ottoman Empire before the declaration of the Republic, it was connected to the province of Izmir with the Republic and became a district. Tire promises its guests to have both a cultural and nature-themed holiday in terms of places to visit. Although this district is not in a touristic location like other regions, it has many places to visit.

Transportation information is of particular importance for guests planning a holiday to Tire district for the first time. The first option to reach the district is by road. Other options are transportation by air and rail. If you have a private vehicle, you can travel comfortably. There are two different options for those who prefer intercity bus travel instead of private vehicle. If you are coming from Ankara or Istanbul, you can buy a bus ticket to go directly to the bus station in the district. Those coming from outside these regions should first arrive at Izmir Bus Terminal. From here, you can complete your transportation by taking minibuses or buses moving to the district. If you are traveling by air, you need to come to Adnan Menderes Airport.

You can contact the airline companies that organize flights to this airport from your current location and make your choice among them to buy a flight ticket. After landing at the airport, you can take the vehicles to Izmir Bus Terminal, and after arriving at the bus station, you can use other means of transportation to the district. You can travel by train from cities such as Kütahya, Balıkesir and Manisa by using the Izmir Blue Train line. The stop you need to get off during your train journey is Basmane stop. From here, you can complete your journey by transferring to the train going to the district. When you reach the district, the points you should definitely see closely are Kaplan Village, Tire Market, Barefoot Bath, Tire Inns, Tire Museum and Toptepe. You can include these places in your travel plan and enjoy a holiday full of historical and natural beauties.

Tiger Village

The first stop on our list of places to visit in Tire is Kaplan Village, located only five kilometers away from the town center.

This village, which is very suitable for those who want to escape from the city and relax, is like the address of peace. This village, which is home to many tree species such as walnut, plane tree and chestnut, is an escape point for those who want to spend time in nature. The most striking feature of the village is the stream in the area. You can spend peaceful hours by the stream and leave yourself in the lap of nature. Additionally, if you come here in the morning, you can start the day with a wonderful village breakfast. There are various places where you can have breakfast.

Tire Market

Another point where we think you will have a pleasant shopping experience by purchasing a Tire flight ticket is Tire Market.

This market is held regularly in the center every Tuesday of the week. You can easily find many types of food, from vegetables to fruits, in this market where more than a thousand stalls are opened. Various handmade products such as cross stitch and needle lace are also sold. If you wish, you can buy these handmade products for both yourself and your loved ones.

Barefoot Bath

One of the places you should not leave without seeing when you come to Tire is the Barefoot Bath, which smells of history.

Reflecting the traces of the Ottoman Empire, this bath is an important historical building built by Halil Yahşi Bey during the reign of Sultan Murat II. You can add this historical bath, which was renovated in 2007, to your list of places to visit and breathe in this historical atmosphere by purchasing a Tire bus ticket.

Khans of Tire

Another touristic spot that should definitely be included in your plan of places to visit in Tire is Tire Inns. It is possible to come across a historical inn in every corner of the villages of the district.

The first of the inns is the Bedesten and Emir Ali Inn, located close to Ankara Street, which has not survived to the present day. Another historical inn that you should see closely is Kutu Han. Along with this inn, you also have the chance to see Çöplen and Bakır Inns.

Especially when you visit Çöplen Han, you can take a breather in the courtyard accompanied by colorful camellias and have a drink while enjoying a unique historical atmosphere. In addition, since the area where these inns are located is located close to the Tahtakale Bath, you can also visit this historical bath, which bears the traces of the Ottoman Empire, after the inns.

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Tire Museum

This museum, located in the Ketenci location of the district, Although it is single-storey, it consists of two parts in total.

While archaeological works are exhibited in one part, there are works with an ethnographic feel in the other part. While visiting this museum, you can learn more about the history of the district and have a pleasant time. By purchasing a flight ticket to Tire, you can go on a cultural tour and examine the history of the district more closely.


The last stop on our list of places to visit in Tire is Toptepe, which attracts attention with its lush nature. This is one of the spots frequently visited by local people.

A wonderful natural view accompanies you in this region. There is also a restaurant here that serves its guests. You can come to this region by purchasing a Tire bus ticket, spend time in nature and, if you wish, stop by the restaurant to eat and drink something. Additionally, since you are in nature, you can also take lots of photos with nature views.

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