
Places To Visit In Talas

July 19, 2024
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There are many historical places and areas of natural beauty worth seeing in many parts of Turkey. Talas is an important district of Kayseri province, located in the Central Anatolia Region of our country. Talas, one of the three central districts of the city, is a region rich in places to visit. It is possible to buy a flight ticket or bus ticket to reach this district. Because the district is located only 7 kilometers away from the city center. Transportation is extremely easy due to its proximity to the center. Located at the foot of Mount Erciyes, the district has a geographically rugged structure. The best time to come to this district is spring or summer. Armenians, Turks and Greeks lived together in the district, which stands out with its deep-rooted history. However, later on, this state of living together came to an end.

Before listing our list of places to visit in Talas, we would like to talk about how visitors can reach this point most easily. Since the district is located very close to Kayseri city center, you can come here by bus or plane. Those who prefer to travel by private vehicle can complete the transportation by getting directions via the navigation system. Those who want to come by intercity buses can buy a bus ticket by choosing one of the companies that provide bus services to Kayseri Bus Terminal from their location. After arriving at the bus terminal, one can proceed to the district by taking public transportation or using taxi services. Those coming from more distant provinces may prefer transportation by air. To do this, you need to arrive at the airport that provides air service in Kocasinan district of Kayseri. You can choose one of the airline companies that fly from your location to this point and buy an affordable flight ticket. After arriving at the airport, you can take Havaş shuttle vehicles directly to Talas district. We can say that Talas district is more suitable for those who like to visit historical places. Because there are many historical buildings here that shed light on the history of the district. Of course, we may not be able to list all these structures in this article. That's why we gathered the most frequently visited spots for you and created our travel list. Places to visit in Talas include the Historical City Square, Yaman Dede Mosque, Ali Mountain Cistern Underground City, Esma Hanım Tomb, Rüştiye School and Tol Church. You can add these places to your list of places to visit and closely explore the prominent tourist spots of the district.

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Historical Town Square

When you come to Talas district, the first place you should visit is the Historical City Square, which, as its name suggests, smells of history. There are many historical buildings, streets and houses you can see in this square. It is particularly striking that the pavements are cobblestones. One of the important streets located in the square is Ottoman Street. It is possible to see many historical houses from the 19th century on this street, which is also known as Ali Saip Pasha Street today. Some of these houses have undergone renovation work. The most striking feature of these houses is their water wells. There are also various places in this street where you can sit and have a drink. In addition, there is also a mosque with the same name as the street. We definitely recommend you to take a close look at the Ottoman coat of arms on the mosque.

Yaman Dede Mosque

The next tour route on our list of places to visit in Talas is Yaman Dede Mosque, also known as Panaya Church and located on Karabey Street of the district. This historical building, which was built as a church by Metropolitan Ionnis during the reign of Abdulhamid II, continued to serve as a mosque in 1924. At that time, there were cellars at the bottom of the building. However, the cellars were later closed and the cafes that serve today were built in their place. You can visit these cafes to take a breather and also visit the shops located in the terrace section of the building. We recommend that those who want to come to this district by plane do not forget to make their flight ticket reservations in advance.

Ali Mountain Cistern Underground City

We said at the beginning of our article that the district is located at the foothills of Mount Erciyes. As a result of the eruption of Mount Erciyes, a mountain with volcanic features was formed. This mountain is known as Mount Ali. Ali Mountain Sarnıçlı Underground City is also located in the location of this mountain. The most striking part of this place is the very large cistern. The region, which has hosted many local and foreign tourists since 2010, does not receive visitors during the winter period. Therefore, we recommend that you plan your Talas trip outside the winter period and buy a bus ticket in advance. It is among the must-see places for those who are interested in underground cities.

Esma Hanım Tomb

Esma Hanım Tomb, located in the Bahçelievler District of the district, is the first tomb built for women in the district. 'Ali Saip Pasha' You can visit this building, which was built in octagonal form for Esma Hanım, mother of Esma, and pray a lot. We recommend that you add this historical tomb, which is of great importance in terms of religious tourism, to your travel list.

Junior High School

The next destination on our list of places to visit in Talas is the Junior High School, which was built in 1869 with the support of the people of the district and the request of Sultan Abdüzaziz. The institution that was opened in the Ottoman Empire during the Tanzimat period and provided services as secondary education is called Junior High School. We definitely recommend you to see this historical school closely. We would also like to point out that today this place serves as a library. Talas district is a region that stands out with its historical texture. You can buy a flightticket or bus ticket for a pleasant historical journey and have a great time.

Tol Church

Before ending your Talas trip, we recommend you to visit Tol Church, which is among the oldest religious buildings. Since this structure was built by carving rocks, it is also known as the Rock Carving Sanctuary. You can add this church, which was opened to visitors after renovation works by the municipality in 2013, to your list of places to visit.

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