
Places to Visit between Antalya and Kaş

July 17, 2024
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Antalya is one of the tourist spots in Turkey that hosts tourists most frequently and stands out with its natural beauty and historical buildings. Our city of Antalya, located in the western part of the Mediterranean Region, has many important holiday destinations. One of these is the Kaş district, which is located on the western side of Antalya and is the head of this city. It is possible to come to Kaş district, which is approximately 186 kilometers away from Antalya city center, by purchasing a flight ticket or bus ticket. In this article, we will give you information about places to visit between Antalya and Kaş. Especially those who like to travel using different routes can use this article to shape their travel routes. Before moving on to this subject, we would like to talk about transportation alternatives for those who will come to Kaş district for holiday purposes. There are many different options for transportation to Antalya Kaş district.

The first of these is to set out with your own vehicle and stop at different points to explore. Travelers who want to take long breaks along the way and explore new places usually set out with their own vehicles. Another transportation method is intercity buses. Those who plan to come from metropolitan cities such as Istanbul and Ankara can directly reach the bus terminal in the district. To do this, you just need to buy a Kaş bus ticket. Those coming from regions without direct transportation can first go to Antalya Bus Terminal and then to Kaş district with other public vehicles. Since ticket prices vary seasonally, you can contact the bus company of your choice before purchasing your ticket. Travelers who want to travel by air can consider the Dalaman Airport option. This journey can be completed by taking various means of transportation.

First, you need to buy a plane ticket to come to this airport from your current location. After arriving at the airport, you can get to Fethiye district by taking shuttle buses and then to Kaş by taking buses. Those who will come to the district by traveling with their private vehicle and visiting touristic spots can visit Antalya city center and then visit Kemer district, Kumluca district, then Finike and Demre district and have the chance to see the prominent touristic points in these points closely. During your trip between Antalya and Kaş, you can visit the Phaselis Ancient City, Patara Beach, Historical Gelidonya Lighthouse, Suluin Cave, Kafibaba Tomb, Lycian Civilizations Museum and have the opportunity to explore more touristic spots. So, without further ado, let's start giving information about these tourist attractions.

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Phaselis Ancient City

The first on our list of places to visit between Antalya and Kaş is the Ancient City of Phaselis, located close to the Kemer district of Antalya.

When you set out from Antalya to Kasha, the first place you should visit is this ancient city, which is of great importance in terms of cultural tourism. Due to its geographical location, it is estimated that this place was an important port city in the past. Various historical ruins such as baths and theaters will welcome you right in the middle of the city. If you are among those who like to visit historical places, we would like to point out that this is the first place you should see when heading towards Kaş. Apart from private vehicles, it is also possible to reach here by purchasing a Kemer Tekirova bus ticket.

Patara Beach

After your visit to the ancient city, you can hit the road again and visit Patara Beach, which is located between Fethiye and Kaş and hosts many tourists with its deep blue sea and unique sandy beach.

This place is also very close to the Ancient City of Patara. If you time your trip between Antalya and Kaş during the summer season, you can come to this beach and enjoy the sea. This beach, which is approximately 12 meters long, is also the longest beach in the world. Since surfing is often practiced here, if you are interested in surfing, you can spend hours full of adrenaline.

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Historical Gelidonya Lighthouse

The next stop on our list of places to visit between Antalya and Kaş is Kumluca district, which you will encounter after Kemer district.

You can take a break in this district and have the opportunity to see the Historical Gelidonya Lighthouse up close. Travelers who do not plan to come here with their private vehicle can also come by purchasing a flight ticket. This historical lighthouse, located on the Yeşilköy side of Kumluca district, was built by the French in 1934.

This lighthouse, which has an average length of 237 meters, has the distinction of being the longest lighthouse in our country due to its length. After seeing the lighthouse, you can take a nature walk around it and take lots of photos.

Suluin Cave

After leaving Kumluca district and heading towards Kaş, you can also visit the Suluin Cave located in Finike.

This place is popular for both cultural and nature tourism. It has great value. This cave, which has a depth of approximately 40 meters, is approximately 500 meters long. When you enter the cave, you can encounter beautiful natural beauties such as ponds, stalagmites and streams.

Kafibaba Tomb

The next route on our list of places to visit between Antalya and Kaş is Kafibaba Tomb, also located in Finike.

You can come here by purchasing a Finike bus ticket and have the chance to see this tomb, which has an important place in terms of faith tourism, closely. One of the most striking parts of the tomb is the embroidered decorations made using wooden materials. This tomb, which consists of four domes in total, belongs to a person named Kafibaba, who lived during the Ottoman period.

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Lycian Civilizations Museum

The last place on our list of places to visit between Antalya and Kaş is the Lycian Civilizations Museum in Demre district, which you will encounter before reaching Kaş district.

You can have the opportunity to see this important cultural heritage up close by purchasing an Antalya Kaş flight ticket. In this museum, which is among the most valuable archaeological museums of our country, you can closely see various cultural riches from the Lycian period, from coins to sculptures, from pottery to mosaics. You can learn a lot of information about the Lycian civilization during your visit to this museum and have an enjoyable time.

When you set off again after your museum visit, you will start to see Kaş signs more frequently. After arriving in Kaş, you can stay and relax in one of the various accommodation facilities and then visit the touristic spots in Kaş.

Categories : Travel