
Places to Visit in Tokat Niksar

June 24, 2024
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Niksar is one of the touristic districts of Tokat province, located in the Central Black Sea part of the Black Sea Region of our country. The district, which hosts countless historical buildings from many different periods, from the Ottoman to the Seljuk, from the Roman to the Byzantine period, also dazzles with its natural beauties. It is possible to reach Tokat Niksar region by purchasing a flight ticket or bus ticket. In Niksar district, you will come across many important historical buildings as well as plateaus that stand out with their lush green nature. At this point, the issue of places to visit in Tokat Niksar has a special importance. Because guests planning to come to this district for sightseeing or holiday purposes may be confused about the places to visit. In this article, we will tell you about the prominent tourist spots of the district.

Before touching on the sights of the district, we would like to give transportation information, especially for visitors who plan to come from outside the city. If you want to come with your private vehicle, you can use the navigation application. Visitors who do not want to come with a private vehicle or who do not have a personal vehicle can purchase a bus ticket. There is already a bus terminal in Niksar district. You can take a look at the companies that organize bus services to this bus terminal and choose the one that best suits your budget. After arriving at the bus terminal, you can transfer to the district by taking minibuses or minibuses from here. Another transportation alternative is to travel by plane. Especially for those coming from remote areas, the transportation alternative by air is more suitable.

Guests who prefer air transportation can search for airline companies that fly to the airport located in Tokat city center and choose among them to buy a flight ticket. After arriving at the airport, you can reach the district by taking other means of transportation or using taxi options. Places to visit in Tokat Niksar include both cultural buildings and natural beauty areas. Among the sightseeing routes you should definitely visit when you come to the district are Taş Mektep, Yağıbasan Madrasa, Niksar Castle, Çöreğibüyük Mosque, Ulu Mosque, Çamiçi Plateau, Melikgazi Tomb and Historical Talazan Bridge. You can examine the prominent features of these places and create your travel list based on these places.

Stone School

One of the touristic spots that should be at the top of your list of places to visit in Tokat Niksar is Taş Mektep, located in the district center.

It is not possible to enter this school, which has become the center of attention of tourists with its magnificent appearance. That's why you can only examine it from the outside. Although there is no clear information about when it was built, when its architectural qualities are examined, it is thought that the building may have been built in the 19th century. This structure, built in square form, consists of two parts in total. We definitely recommend you to see this building, which stands out with its appearance, closely.

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Yağıbasan Madrasa

Located within the borders of the district center, Yağıbasan Madrasa is one of the historical points you must see when you come to the region.

This madrasah, which you can have the opportunity to see after a pleasant flight by purchasing a Tokat Niksar flight ticket, was built in 1158. This historical building, which is the first and oldest madrasah in Anatolia, has no portico and a closed courtyard. You can visit this madrasah, which dates back to the Danişment period, and learn about the history of the district.

Niksar Castle

The next stop on our list of places to visit in Tokat Niksar is Niksar Castle, located in the town center and visited by many tourists.

Located on a high hill, this castle is also home to Çanakçı Creek and Maduru Creek. It is possible to come across historical ruins such as baths, madrasahs, prisons and masjids in this structure, which is the second largest castle of our country. You can visit this castle, which stands out with its large walls, in a historical atmosphere and have a pleasant time.

ÇöreğiBüyük Mosque

Another historical spot you can visit in the town center is the Çöreğibüyük Mosque, which belongs to the Ilkhanid period.

You may be surprised when you first read the name of the mosque. Because the word donut mentioned in the name of this mosque is the donut-like relief figure located on the forehead of the portal. There is also a kneeling gazelle relief in this portal, which attracts the attention of those who see it. You can closely examine this mosque, which dates back to the 13th century, and learn more about the history of the district.

Grand Mosque

The next point of our list of places to visit in Tokat Niksar is the Ulu Mosque, also located in the district center. You can also visit this historical mosque by purchasing a Tokat Niksar bus ticket.

This building, which was built in 1145, was built by Nizameddin Yağıbasan according to some, and by Çepnizade Hasan Bey according to others. Today, it is visited by the local people as a place of worship. This mosque was built in a rectangular form. We recommend that you take a close look at this mosque, which is among the oldest examples of the grand mosques.

Çamiçi Plateau

When you come to Tokat Niksar district, one of the places you should not leave without seeing is Çamiçi Plateau, where you can feel the plateau air in your bones.

As its name suggests, this plateau is completely surrounded by pine trees. In this plateau, which stands out with its lush green areas, you can breathe in the fresh air, go for a nature walk, or have a picnic with your family or loved ones. Additionally, if you want to have an accommodation experience in touch with nature instead of accommodation facilities, you can pitch a tent and camp here. There are also places here where you can meet your eating and drinking needs, such as restaurants and eateries.

Melikgazi Tomb

Another place that you can see up close by purchasing a Tokat Niksar bus ticket or flight ticket is the Melikgazi Tomb.

This tomb, which has an important place in terms of faith tourism, is located within the Melikgazi Cemetery of the same name. This tomb, which was built in the 12th century, was built by Nizamettin Yağıbasan. This building, dating from the time of the Danishmends, was built for Melik Danishmend Gümüştekin Ahmet Gazi, known as the founder of the Danishmends. After this tomb, you can also visit the Kırkkızlar Tomb, located within the borders of the district center and built in 1277.

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Historical Talazan Bridge

We have come to the end of our list of places to visit in Tokat Niksar. Last on our list is the Historical Talazan Bridge located within the borders of Günlüce Village of the district.

This bridge, which has an average width of 10 meters, is approximately 147 meters long. It is estimated that this historical bridge, whose height is around 9 meters, may have been built in the thirteenth century. We definitely recommend you to see this magnificent bridge, which has seven arches in total, closely. You can visit these important buildings on our list and witness the history of the district closely.

Categories : Travel