
Places To Visit In İyidere

July 30, 2024
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İyidere is one of the districts of Rize province, which is located on the Black Sea coast of our country and stands out especially with its tea cultivation. Since İyidere district is located on the coast, it is a developed region in terms of tea cultivation as well as fishing like Rize. You can easily reach İyidere by purchasing a plane ticket or bus ticket and have a peaceful trip accompanied by its lush nature. The district is located approximately 15 kilometers away from Rize city center. Therefore, transportation from the city center is very easy. You can step into a trip adventure full of both cultural and natural beauties in İyidere district, which attracts attention as a small district. The district, which stands out with its deep-rooted history, hosted Pontus, Byzantine and Roman empires in the past.
İyidere, which was previously a town, became a district in 1990. The name of the district comes from İyidere Stream. Although İyidere is not a very rich region in terms of places to visit, it has some touristic spots where you can spend peaceful time. There are several options for transportation to the district. The first option is undoubtedly to come with your personal car. Another option is intercity buses. For this, your destination should be Rize Bus Terminal. There are regular bus services here from every point of our country. Therefore, you can easily find a bus ticket and make your journey. After arriving at the bus terminal, you can get on public transportation vehicles such as minibuses and minibuses to reach the district. The next alternative for transportation to İyidere is transportation by air. For this, Rize-Artvin Airport should be your destination. You can come here by buying a plane ticket and then transfer to İyidere district by other means of transportation. If you do not want to take public transportation, you can rent a private car or consider taxi options. In İyidere district, you can have a quiet trip or holiday experience away from the chaos of the city and create beautiful memories with your loved ones. When you come to the district, the touristic places you should definitely see are İyidere Beach, Hacı Efendi Mosque, Pileki Cave, İyidere Beach, Yalıköy and Rize Cloth Stores. You can add these places to your travel list and then choose your hotel. Without further ado, let's start telling you what awaits you in the district.

İyidere Beach

First on our list of places to visit in İyidere is İyidere Beach, where you can have the opportunity to swim if you plan your trip in the summer months. This beach, which is the most popular beach in the region, is quite crowded especially in the summer and on holidays. You can enjoy the sea and the sun to the fullest on this beach, which is flocked by both local and foreign tourists. After this beach, you can also visit Yalıköy Beach and Sarayköy Beach. If you want to escape the scorching heat of the summer months and both swim and cool off, you can choose one of these beaches.

Hacı Efendi Mosque

You can also get a chance to see the Hacı Efendi Mosque, which has a cultural value, up close by purchasing a flight ticket to İyidere.
This mosque was actually built on the site of another mosque. Wooden material was used in the construction of this mosque, which was built in 1930. The mosque, which has a hipped roof, attracts attention with its simple architecture. The ground floor of the structure consists of two different parts. The first part contains a Quran course, and the second part contains a harim area. The harim area means a place of worship. We recommend that you add this mosque, which has the characteristics of a traditional mosque, to your travel list.

Pileki Cave

The next route on our list of places to visit in İyidere is the Pileki Cave, which is an artificial structure formed by extracting the raw material of pileki, which is preferred for making anchovy bread and corn bread specific to the Black Sea. The most striking feature of this cave is that it was built entirely by human hands. The main reason for the construction of this cave is to extract Pileki stone. It dates back to 3000 B.C. A certain part of this cave, which was built in the 2300s, hosts visitors today. You can visit this fascinating cave with your family or friends and get more information about Pileki stone.

İyidere Beach

We think that when you come to İyidere district, you can't leave without visiting the beach. The coastal part of the district is among the most frequently visited places by tourists. You can come here with İyidere bus ticket, walk on the beach, swim in the sea from its beach, spend time in its lush nature and capture nature view themed photos. You can also watch the sunset in the evenings on the beach, which is located at a point where green and blue intersect.


İyidere district One of the places you should definitely visit when you come is Yalıköy. This is also a region that stands out with its beach.
Especially in the summer season, you can enjoy the sea, sand and sun trio in this region, which is almost flooded with tourists, and you can have fun-filled times with your family or friends. You can get the opportunity to see this region, which stands out with its clean and clear sea, by purchasing a flight ticket to İyidere and have a peaceful, secluded travel experience.

Rize Cloth Stores

Last on our list of places to visit in İyidere are the Rize Cloth Stores, which have revived the traditional Rize Cloth weaving.
This Rize Cloth, which spread all over the country during the Second World War, began to disappear over time. However, the Rize National Education Directorate prepared a project to revive this weaving art and after the project, stores where Rize Cloth is produced were opened. You can also visit these important Rize Cloth Stores by purchasing a bus ticket to İyidere, buy the products you like from the various products offered for sale and give them to your loved ones as gifts.


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